Spinach Persimmon Smoothie

If you've followed for a while you know my love for persimmons. Autumn for me is not just Hibernation Preparation Season, but also Persimmon Season. I wait all year for these guys to show up. They're finally here and making their debut in this smoothie.

With the holidays approaching we can all benefit from having a few high-impact breakfast or snack ideas in our back pocket. Ones that support energy and digestion, provide balance to heavier holiday meals, and effortlessly boost our daily vegetable intake. This smoothie ticks all those boxes, but with a few caveats for wintertime consumption. Our body works harder to keep us warm in the winter, and we can support it through the food and temperature of the food we eat. Here are a few things I like to keep in mind when occasionally enjoying smoothies in the cold months.

  • Enjoy smoothies at room temperature by using room temp water, avoiding ice, and setting out refrigerated or frozen items in advance to take the chill off.
  • Include spices that stimulate digestion such as ginger, lemon, and cardamom.
  • Follow up your smoothie with a warm tea.

If you're a persimmon lover too, you might also like these other recipes featuring persimmons.

Spinach Persimmon Smoothie

Serves 1 as large snack/light breakfast (or 2-4 smaller snacks/part of larger breakfast)

Notes: No time to make a smoothie in the morning? Prep all ingredients the night before and store in a container in the fridge so all you have to do the morning of is pour into the blender with water and hit blend!

  • 1 large handful (50 gr or 1 cup packed) spinach
  • 1 medium persimmon, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 small banana
  • Heaping 1/4 tsp. cardamom
  • Thumbnail size fresh (or 1/2 tsp. ground) turmeric, or to taste
  • 1 Tbsp. flax seeds
  • 2 Tbsp. hemp seeds (optional)
  • Juice from 1/2 juicy lime (or lemon)
  • 1 Tbsp. almond butter
  • 1- 1 1/2 cups (240 - 360 ml) water
  1. Add everything to a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy immediately.