Have you found yourself in the binge-restrict cycle or turning to food when you're overwhelmed by strong emotions and the physical sensations that accompany those feelings? Has it ever felt like something takes over inside and you're no longer in control of your actions when you’re in the presence of food?
Each one of us is made up of multiple parts (e.g. the doer, the hypervigilant, the controller, and the peacemaker, to name just a few). The part that makes you turn to food has its own personality and valid reasons for being — even if it's acting out and driving you crazy. In order to foster a more peaceful relationship with food and self, we must acknowledge, understand, and attend to this part that takes over. For instance, the doer in you may become hyper productive or rational in the face of anxiety, sadness, or loneliness, leaving you feeling distracted temporarily but ultimately, disconnected and out of touch with your own needs.
Join me at the Sausalito Library to learn about some of the most common eating personalities, where they come from, and how to identify their underlying non-food needs that, when left unmet, can make you turn to food.
This conversation is for you if you want to:
Better understand why you to turn to food when you logically know it only provides temporary relief
Explore the psychology of eating, the nervous system’s role in food habits, and the intersection between emotions and your behavior in the kitchen
Follow up on the hunch that your relationship with food today may be connected to emotional wounds or upsetting events you experienced earlier in life
In this conversation, we will:
Explore the five most common eating personalities that I see in my client work
The emotions and experiences that trigger each personality to take over
How to respond to those triggers so you feel calmer in your body and more capable of making intentional food choices
Three key mindsets that will help you get to a more connected, regulated place and begin healing your relationship with food and self
Library Talk Details
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 6-7 PM
Location: Presidio Library
Cost: Free