Behind the Scenes Spring Transition

Photo credit: Anna Primavera

Whole Nourishment is going through a few significant changes this spring. So this week I'm sharing a behind the scenes sneak peek to bring you along on for the ride.

On Transitions

After six years in Europe, we're moving to San Francisco! Soon, we'll pack up our lives and for the next couple of months, be in what I compassionately refer to as a state of flux -- that transitional space, where you're neither here nor there. (Some refer to it as liminal space.)

Once we re-settle in our new home later this summer, we'll no longer be expats, but rather "repats". This is no small feat, on so many levels. In light of the seasonal and personal changes, below I'm sharing a few Whole Nourishment perspectives on transitions (in written and video form) in hopes that it might be helpful to you, whatever season of life you're in right now.


Life is filled with transitions, whether it's moving homes, cities, or countries, changing careers, welcoming a new baby/pup into the family, or working on personal development. These can be uncomfortable and scary changes -- less is in our control, we're out of normal routine, and we're unsure what the future holds.

Transitions, as it relates to adopting new habits, is also a common topic of conversation with my clients. As we work together to move away from diet mentality, out of restrictive eating patterns, or towards cooking more at home, I remind them it's okay to feel uncomfortable when paving new pathways. Discomfort is part of the process. In fact, learning to be comfortable with discomfort is a life skill. The more we allow ourselves to observe uncomfortable feelings, emotions, and situations, the easier it is to separate how we feel from who we are. And realize that, fundamentally, we're okay and can accept these emotions as part of life.

Learning to be comfortable with discomfort is a life skill.

The Power of Presence

Living a global and mobile lifestyle has also taught me the power that being present and authentic has on easing in and out of transitions. No matter the length of time I've lived somewhere, I've learned to invest in my home, profession, friends and community as if it's my forever home. And it's this choice to be in the moment and invest that has opened up opportunities and connections with people I would have not had otherwise. It doesn't matter where I was 6 months ago or where I might be in a year. I'm here, now. This is my reality and the only choice I have control over.

I share this because it's a powerful mindset that impacts our health and food/lifestyle choices too. And it's been a game-changer for a lot of my clients. So often we're fixated on the "shoulds". I should wake up earlier to exercise, I should get more sleep. Or we're worried about the future. Will I lose the weight? What will others think about me?

But this distracts us from what actually matters and what we actually have control over. Which is today.....and preserving emotional energy to choose the next best small step to take today to energize, empower, and accumulate for tomorrow.

So, choose to be here. Now. Choose to focus on what you can do today, what you choose NOT to do today. Both matter, because they're intentional choices that will allow us to be in the moment and move forward at the same time.

Follow Me on Instagram!

Speaking of small steps to do today. Come join me on Instagram!

This month I've decided to take the plunge and launch my Instagram page. I know, I'm a little late to the game ;-). But I'm ready to commit, and I'm excited to have another way to connect with you and share more casual, everyday shots of meal, mindset, and lifestyle inspiration there. I hope you'll stop by, say hello, and follow along!

{New Video!} Spring Pantry Staples

Moving into the warmer, lighter, pollen-filled spring days means I'm reaching for a few specific pantry items to help with the transition. Check out the video below to get the what and why.

Mung Beans

Dandelion Tea

Anyone else in a state of flux right now?

What helps you get through it, ride the wave, and realize you're doing just fine?

Leave a comment below and let me know!